(715) 246-2211
(877) 362-7529

When an individual is under the age of 17 and is accused of a crime, they end up in juvenile court. A conviction record in Wisconsin juvenile court follows the individual into adulthood and can cause serious problems. Our juvenile attorney at Doar, Drill & Skow, fights hard to protect children from unnecessary punishments that could jeopardize their futures.

Wisconsin Juvenile Courts

In Wisconsin, juvenile courts deal with many of the same crimes that adult courts handle. However, when the accused is under 17 years old, the charges are known as “juvenile delinquency.” Common juvenile delinquency charges include:

    • Battery and domestic assault

    • Drug crimes

    • Drunk driving, DWI, DUI, OWI

    • Sex crimes

    • Shoplifting

    • Other delinquency charges

A conviction in juvenile court can make the juvenile’s parents liable for up to $10,000 and cause even greater future problems for the minor, like financial aid ineligibility. Our experienced juvenile attorneys are dedicated to finding the best potential outcome for their clients.

Giving Children a Second Chance

Children commit mistakes, and frequently, their lack of maturity prevents them from comprehending how their actions might impact the remainder of their lives. Some common misconceptions in juvenile cases include the mistaken belief that juvenile offenders aren’t taken seriously and that juvenile convictions get deleted from the juvenile’s records upon reaching 18 years of age. These notions are simply inaccurate. Authorities regularly transfer juveniles to adult court for severe offenses. Moreover, juvenile convictions may lead to significant consequences like mandatory reporting in the sex offender registry and enduring firearms prohibitions into adulthood.

With our assistance, juveniles often secure deferred prosecution agreements (where they fulfill a probationary period instead of facing criminal charges) or consent decrees. Such arrangements enable children to undergo counseling, make restitution, and carry out community service to avert an adjudication of delinquency. If a deferred prosecution isn’t feasible, we can also strive to delete the minor’s record (eliminating the conviction from their record).

Choose a Juvenile Attorney Who Will Aggressively Fight for Your Rights!

We treat representation in juvenile crime matters just as seriously as representation for adult crimes. Also, we will work to ensure that your child’s rights are protected and that police officers and prosecutors follow proper procedures. We have the experience and skills to effectively represent your child. For a no-obligation consultation with one of our criminal defense attorneys at Doar, Drill & Skow, call (715) 246-2211 toll-free or contact us online. Wisconsin. Located in New Richmond, we serve clients throughout western Wisconsin and Minnesota.

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